Thursday, September 19, 2013

My favorite story

Michael has been asking me for a week now when I was going to write again.... I guess if no one else has enjoyed my post he has. He is so supportive of the things I choose to be, tonight he gave me the best compliment ever, after kidding and telling my family about how yesterday he asked me what was at the back of his truck I replied with "tires!" And saying I wasn't much help he added in  " but you are a good mama!" I think it made mine, my mom's and my sister's heart melt. So when I don't have much to write about what could be better to write about than being a mama. This to me of course is the best story, it's my favorite story. For those of you that don't know me and Michael decided to use a midwife for the birth of WB instead of a Doctor. I LOVE my experience with my midwife. Unfortunately Alabamians are a little behind the other states, and very far behind the north when it comes to birth  and well home birth is illegal........ So we had a border baby, which means we had to cross into Mississippi to have WB. In a little cabin, the cabin is nothing fancy by any means but has a neat fact about it, WB's aunt Aryn and cousin Nolan were born in the same exact room:) the only thing that could have made it more perfect would have been to have the option to TRULY have a home birth, and I am so hopeful for the next birth. Me and Michael know we are weird in most of our circle of friends, Michael just the other day said I wish people didn't just think I was a conservative because I am southern, because I actually wished a little that we are were in the north because then we wouldn't be viewed so weird because of our choices in parenting..... So much truth, I am not in anyway trying to judge others, I just wish everyone had the options to birth and parent the way they choose in Alabama as other states! So I'm sure you don't care nearly as much about the politics of the matter as me. Me and Michael both have gone through times of not feeling supported at all about decisions we have made about WB, I probably have questioned them more than Michael, which makes me glad I have him.... It would be really hard for me if he was like do what you want instead of I think this is best and I read this or this is how I feel. Thank God for him and his assurance and brains and willingness to educate himself on OUR child!! So back to the day WB was born, I went 2 days over or 2 days early I'm not sure, all I know is it was WB "birthday". I woke up the Wednesday before with signs of labor but  no contractions, so what did I do?! Planned a very eventful day, next baby I will SLEEP, but how could I have? I was going to meet my baby anytime and I knew it! So I went to town and actually went to a meeting with a politician about supporting midwives. I got home around 6 ate dinner and washed clothes, and got in the bed around 10. I woke up around 2 and went to wake my mom up, who had stayed with us just incase. I had some contractions I let her count before waking Michael and we had a rhythm, and these pestering contractions hurt a little more than those ole Braxton hicks! I called my midwife let her know, she said to eat and call back if they continued, so I ate a sandwich and some fruit, sat on the couch and shared sometime with only me and my mama. Looking back on it we giggled and I could feel her excitement of how she was so happy for me. Around 3:30 I finally woke Michael and told him we would have to leave soon, I called my midwife and we decided to go ahead and leave for MS. Me and Michael arrived around 5:30am and I was 4cm and completely efaced. I was so happy to actually have some progress, I was so scared it wasnt really happening. I walked for about an hour, then I got in the big tub, oh the glorious tub! I am not quite sure how anyone has a baby without having a tub! I got in that tub and stayed there until I got ready to push. I made great progress I went from 4cm to 7cm and from 7cm to 9cm and around 12:00pm I was ready to push! WB was born at 12:52. It was hard, very hard, and maybe I'm crazy because I don't remember it being that bad but I think I've just forgotten the pain. It was everything I expected natural child birth to be. I felt so empowered and still look at him and look at my little 5ft frame and so you did it, you birthed that baby! It feels amazing. I remember at one of my appointments with my midwife I was talking to her about a Christian midwife vs . a non Christian one, and I remember thinking how special it was to have someone who would be the first person to hold/catch your baby be someone who had been praying for them, who knew their name and had a special bond to them. The first person to touch and hold WB actually was someone even more special than that. I remember Michael had asked before hand if he could help in the delivery if it was applicable, but it turned out I delivered WB with Michael behind me holding me as he supported my weight, but I got a surprise when my midwife said reach down and get your baby, so I did, and i was the first person to touch him and hold him, as I pulled him up to my chest. Oh how I had prayed for him, I had prayed for the mother I would be,for the father Michael would be. I had prayed for the love WB would feel, the hate in the world he would witness, I prayed for the leaders he would grow up under, I prayed for his fingers, his toes and everything inbetween. I prayed and prayed for him and dreamed of him and here he was being born into my arms, into my arms that were supported by his fathers arms. It brings tears to my eyes to think of the beauty of the moment and the representation of how he was born and brought into this world. The support we required of each other and how we each held each other. I wouldn't change a thing about the birth of my baby boy, I think others would say what they think they would do different, but to me it was perfect, it was simply and uneventful but yet so amazing and graceful, ha with the expection of a few screams. Me and Michael have since talked about our birth and both are happy with what we chose and we will choose a midwife again, however we both just want it to truly to be a home birth, we don't want to leave to bring home the baby, I already dream about WB being there with us and ready to become a big brother, in his surroundings, in his home! Moments after he was born...... Michael was able to hold me and our son:)