Thursday, April 3, 2014

William Braylon

Dear William Braylon, 
Today I celebrate you, today I want you to know and feel exactly how special you are to me. You have been mine for 21 months, 9 of those you spent in my belly, growing, and I prayed then what I still pray over you now, for you to be happy, healthy and prosperous.  God has heard my prayers, as you have been these things. Your smile is the light to my world, the light to my day. The light to my every minute. I want you to know that because of you, me and your daddy love each other more deeply and wholly. We don't ever want you to wonder if we love one another or you, for we love you more than you will ever know. EVERYWHERE you go a little piece of me will always go with you, because you are my heart, without you it wouldn't beat, you make our hearts beat with joy. God has blessed me so much to making it possible for me to spend my days with you, and I assure you every second of this year has been filled with cuddles, kisses, giggles and love. It makes me so sad to think how quickly we have come to your first birthday, but God is good son, and the future is promising and I am excited for me and your father to enjoy parenting you for all the years to come. I know today will only be another day to your little soul, but today is so much more to this mama of yours, so please be patient with me as I randomly cry at the amounts of love I have for you. Please be patient as I look back to all the memories from this past year of your first smile, and giggle, how I stayed up all night the night you turned one month old because I missed you when I slept, your first roll, and swim, the first time you got a booboo, or how you cried in the car seat and broke my heart so I cried with you. The memories of all the nights watching you snuggle up close to your daddy, or watching you light up when your da walked in the room, or how you like to rub your big cousins hair, or give you little cousin a kiss. I will look back to the first timed you crawled and when I realized you had gotten your first tooth, the pure joy I felt every new word you said, today I will reflect on how much you've changed and grown here recently, of how your Gigi taught you to high five and the excitement she felt and how cute you knew you were giving them to her, of how you throw your head back when you sit on gammas lap because you know she always plays games with you, how you chased me around the living room trying to eat all of my BBQ, or how you feel like you have to laugh at the tv when me and daddy do, how you say bababa when I lay you down to change your diaper  because you want me to sing baba black sheep. There is so much love in all of these things, so much joy and so much happiness. As I watch you begin to take your first steps and plan your birthday party I know that God has blessed me in such incredible way by allowing me to mother you. I love you son, I love you, I love you, I love you. Happy First Birthday.