Saturday, June 6, 2015

Second Best

My sweet second son, there isn't any way around it, you're the second. Your precious older brother has been mine for two years now, but never think you are second to any one. You are mine. My son. My love. In the perfect place in His perfect timing. I prayed for you and ask God to send me exactly who the world needed and I know that's why he sent me you, Leon. We decided we would name you Leon back when we were pregnant with your brother and for months before I became pregnant with you, your daddy would ask me if I was ready for Leon.... We knew in our hearts that God would give us you Leon, it was just a matter of his timing. So here I am pregnant with my second, pregnant with the second best, but don't confuse that to being second to anyone or that better came before you, you're special, loved and for months we pray for you knowing that our hearts wanted you. You're my second and you're the best. Let me explain to you why second really is the best, you see when I became pregnant with your older brother I was young, naive and didn't really know what motherhood would be. I let others opinions effect me, I questioned myself in the beginning and sometimes didn't feel good enough... But that isn't the mother you or your brother deserve so you know what... I found myself, my little stitch in motherhood and you get to come into the world to a mother who is proud of herself, I'm confident in the ways I will take care of you and I know without a doubt that my intentions for you, though they may not always be right they are always the best. Your brother has set the path for you, he's matured this mama of yours, he's given me mini heart attacks, kept me awake at night, and filled my heart in places I didn't know exsisted. When I found out I would have you I couldn't stop crying for weeks because this was my second time, I knew those places in my heart, I had found them and embraced them and have already placed you there.  I know of the little smile that will soon keep me awake at night. The cries that will make my heart ache, and the giggles you and your daddy will share. Most importantly I know the gift of a sibling, I sit here and watch your sweet older brother sleep and I can't quite explain to him that your on your way and that you will love him the way only a sibling can, the way only a little brother can and in the same way he will love you.  
Me and your daddy love you so much, we are so blessed to call you our second, to call you our son and to call you Leon. 
I am so thankful that God sent me Braylon to help me find myself in this journey of motherhood, that he sent you a big brother that is loving and compassionate and smart, that he was thinking of you even though he sent Braylon two years before you, I am thankful that God has sent me you Leon as my second son, that already your sweet little personality captivates my heart, that you will continue to soften my heart and make it grow. I am thankful for both of my boys and the places they hold in my heart and in my soul.  I am excited I welcome you in the next few weeks, but for now I just want you to know though you're second, you're the best, most precious of gifts that God has allowed me to be given so please always remember you're perfect and in His perfect timing!