Sunday, August 28, 2016

Leon Harrison, I thought often over the past year about writing your letter on your first birthday. I will write to you, just like I had done for your brother. When you would rub your eyes with both hands in your car seat and fight your sleep until we arrived home. When you would sing to keep yourself awake because you loved being at home to sleep. I took note, I took note of how cute you looked (even though you were miserably sleepy) I sometimes starred at you to much in the mirror than I should have. I took note of how you sit in the bath tub like a sumo wrestler, your chubby little belly resting on your knees. The times we danced in the kitchen and you giggled and sang with me, I stamped it on my heart and sealed it there to keep. The first time you crawled, or I found your first teeth or the first time you pulled up, Happiness consumed me. Leon, I knew you were a promise God would fulfill, we named you long before you were in my tummy and called you that like we knew you were coming. Leon means lion, and Leon spelled backwards is Noel which means shout of joy. Your name sweet sweet boy is so fitting, it makes perfect sense that God put you in my heart before he ever put you in my belly. One of your favorite things to do is roar, when you do I always say in my head "hear me roar". I know you are a leader, you are fierce and strong and you will speak and mountains will move. I felt it in my spirit when the nurse said its a boy. "Shout of joy" that second part of your name can't be forgotten because you are as joyful as you are fierce. Your sweet little smile captivates hearts and flirts with souls. I haven't ever told very many people of the strong feelings I had the week I found out you were in fact Leon, I cried and cried, maybe because I had dreamed of you, maybe because I had named you, maybe because you were the brother God had picked out for WB or the son he had picked out for me and your dad. I cried and was overwhelmed at the feeling of calling I felt on your little life. I don't know if you're my little preacher man or if you will feed the children of Africa, all I know is God put it on my heart and I pray for it to come to light, and I can't wait to watch you grow and watch that calling unfold. For now your my sweet baby boy who absolutely adores me, I've never felt so strongly that I was enough, but sometimes you fall back asleep mid air after I pick you just cause you simply wanted me to hold you. You don't need much from me, but yet you convince me to give you my everything. You have been such a joy, to me, your daddy and to your brother. You love to play with toys, to dance, to take baths and to feed yourself. I love you and am so excited to watch you grow and for the relationship you have with your big brother to mature. I hope that one day you and your brother look back at the years I was able to spend at home with you and that good memories flood your minds. I hope that the good always out weighs the bad and that I am a mother you are proud to have. Thank you so much for being my sweet baby boy, I am so so thankful for you Leon and am so happy that God knew you were exactly what our family and the world needed. I know God placed you in my heart for a reason but more importantly I know he placed you on this earth for great things! I love you sweet little blonde hair and those sweet sweet eyes! Happy 1st Birthday baby boy! Love, mama