Friday, January 27, 2017

Christmas: A fourth and a second

Christmas: A fourth and a second.
A fourth and a second sounds so crazy to me, I don't know what age I'll stop writing to them or if I ever will. One day I hope they look back at all the things I've written them , the notebooks beside my bed or the ones in drawers and see what my heart felt exactly at the moment. Part of my way of loving them is through words. So tonight I will write them their FOURTH and SECOND Christmas letter.

WB and LH,
This year has been fun, the magic of Christmas is beaming through you both. We got out and did lots of festivities this year and it really helped make it a fun month leading up to the day of Christmas. Wb you are old enough to understand what Christmas is truly about and I can't wait to see you grow in learn your relationship with Jesus and one day soon you will be able to teach Leon the true reason too. Christmas always brings so much reflection for me, the year coming to an end and a new one just waiting for memories to be made. It's so bittersweet having the two of you to grow with, to learn with and to love. Everyday you both remind me that there is grace to be given, patience to be built, and love is relentless.
This year was so different from last year. Me and daddy pulled out pictures to remanence and it made us giggle at how we pulled Christmas together last year, but I thought about how you told us thank you after every gift you opened. Last year we found ourselves relying on God in one way and though in a different way this year God is still asking us to be faithful to him, to bring our worries to him and to cast our anxieties on him.  I wish I could tell you that life wouldn't have worry or sorrows.  Something I can tell you is that God is sovereign, he is gracious and he is faithful when you are faithful to him. This year daddy had to work nights on Christmas Day but neither of you would have ever  known, he came in and opened presents with us and spent the whole day with you until you all napped before he left for work again. Your Gigi and uncle Justin stayed Christmas Eve night with us.  Uncle Justin read the night before Christmas and the Christmas story before you snuggled in bed watching the Grinch. Wb you can tell the whole story about the grinch how his heart grew. Oh it's  the sweetest to listen to you comprehend the stories and life that surround you. Christmas morning you pretended to "read" your name tags and one of them read "dear William Braylon you are a very good boy, and mama and daddy love you very much". Oh you have no idea sweet boy, we love you and Leon so so much. We went to gammas after we finished the gifts at our house, with Gigi in tow. I think about the dynamics of our families sometimes and how you have no concept of the Croom's or Callahan's, you you both just have "family", you may see any of your "family" at the Croom's or at the Callahan's at any given time. Sometimes this intertwined family consumes me with gratitude that I wish I could share with the whole world! You are both so so loved and in return you both love so so deep.
Me and daddy are so blessed God decided to trust us to be your parents, to have these moments, to learn with you and grow.
I am hopeful this year will slow down to give me a second to treasure your sweet hugs and kisses. I am hopeful this year will slow down to watch candles be blown out and lots of first'. I am hopeful this year will slow down for red noses on cold days at the park. I am hopeful time will slow down for toes in the sand and jumping over waves.
I am hopeful time will slow down for hearing what you learned in Sunday school, and making new friends. I am hopeful time will slow down just so I can hold you both tight and love you more this year than I ever have before, I know next Christmas is only a hop, jump and skip away but I am oh so happy I get to hold you on this quick trip called life,

With ALL of my love,