Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blessed by a book.

The word plenty means "more than enough". When I think of this word two things come to mind, one is a dream I had a few weeks ago and the other is something my dad use to say to us as children. When out and about  we would beg to go out to eat and my father would say there is plenty at the house to eat. As a child this was so disappointing and it seemed so boring to eat at home, but now as an adult I love to run by my mamas to see what she has cooking! So what significant meaning does this have, as children we only see what we want not what we have. As an adult I am learning to appreciate what I have, a family, a home and food to eat. If God never blesses me with another thing, I have more than enough, I have plenty. But that's not the kind of God I serve, which brings me to my second point, my dream. Several weeks ago I was awoken around 3am to a dream I had about our house being full of books, I was so proud showing them all off, in my dream the walls in our house were full of bookcases full of books, even though we looked like hoarders, I was glowing with excitement about all the books. When I woke up, I laid between my "plenty" my sweet baby boy and my husband. This dream spoke to me unlike any dream I had ever had. I began to pray and ask God what he was trying to tell me and never before had I heard God so clearly. I was praying over Michael because I associated the books with him and for a while now he had been job searching. I prayed for favor, for contentment, I prayed for Michael's happiness. Then God put the word plenty on my heart. More than enough. God put a promise on my heart. The next morning I shared it with Michael, I told him about my dream, and it may sound silly, but every time I'm out shopping Michael asks for a new book and I always say we haven't the money. I rationalized the dream to mean God wanted Michael to have plenty of books, because he is that kind of God, a God that cares about our heart's desires. That  day Michael received a phone call for an interview which resulted in a new Job that is less than 3 miles from our home! This job offers us better benefits and supports our family with plenty. As soon as I am able, I am purchasing a bookcase:) 

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