Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Marrying Michael has brought many things to my life, a sense of being, a completion, and most importantly a family. If God chose to never give me another blessing I would be blessed beyond measure with what I have already been given. When I met Michael years ago, I met his grandfather, Mr. William "Billy" Croom, but he has never been that to me, from the start he has always been Pawpaw, every holiday, celebration and birthday this man has treated me as one of his own, long before he even knew I would become one of his own, he even signs my birthday cards with the loving tradition of "wdyl?" (who do you love?). When I was pregnant with WB I spent most of my days sick and with pawpaw, every morning he would knock on the door to check on me and even on some occasions, when I was very sick he would get me a cold rag, help me off the bathroom floor and get me to the couch. He cared for me even though I wasn't technically his grandchild. His love for his grandchildren, including me is unconditional and I know that no matter where me and michaels life may take us that pawpaw would help in anyway he could. A pawpaw is a gift, a gift that  without Michael I wouldn't understand, my grandmother was ill all of the 6 years of my life that she was in it, my grandmother to me is my mother's and older siblings memories of her, my grandmother is pictures and stories, she is a old wooden house in Flomation, Alabama. She is old bells in my mothers china cabinet, she is a old pin holder that looks like a tomatoe. I barely  have my own memories of her, but she was already gone by the time I could remember her. I love her deeply and how I wish I knew her. My grandfather on the other hand died before I ever was thought of, but he to me is a old yellow recliner, he is fried chicken. He is my brothers face and structure. He is so many special things that I never truly got to know. My dads father passed away before my own father even got to know him, however I was blessed with beautiful threading even though I didn't get to see the start of the spool. But with Michaels family I have gotten to spend years with the threading that was placed in my child and will be my future children. Michaels Great Grandma Croom passed away this morning, and how happy I am that I got to know this beautiful lady who has inspired me so much. she raised 12 amazing children, unlike any other family I have ever seen. At Christmas time when the family was together I saw one of pawpaws sisters kiss him on the cheek, I immediately knew in my heart that I wanted to raise children like this, I want WB to know that kind of long lasting unconditional love. I want to set them apart and teach them value and love in each other. I want them to all come together and be there for one another all the way into their 70s and beyond. Grandma Croom was sponky and sharp unlike any woman I have every met, a week before she made her way to heaven, she called me by name when I walked in her room, even though I haven't been in her family long and she held my hand and told me that I was doing a good job with WB, and that she loved me, and while I'm sure she told everyone she loved them that came to see her that week, it meant so much to me that she, a woman I thought had done such a good job was telling me I was. Being a mother is hard especially at the times you feel judged for the kind that you are, but from her it felt like such a compliment, so reassuring, I cried, I didn't want to lose her, I was going to miss taking WB by to see her and letting her see his new milestones, but I cried more because I knew how much her children loved her, and how I hope WB loves me that much. I cried because I love my mother and one day I will have to tell her see you later,  and I won't want to, even if she is 96. I cried because God has put this family in my life, and they have taught me so much. I will always treasure her and her opinion and I hope one day I am able to tell WB what a special woman she was and how excited over him she had been waiting for him to arrive and oh how she loved her 5th generation baby once he had arrived! WB spent a lot their firsts together and we will miss her a lot on his first birthday, but I am so thankful that they were able to meet. What a legacy she left behind  with so many beautifully made families, including my own, I am privileged to be apart of it. WB will one day be my legacy, when I stare at my child I can not put into words the adoration and love I feel for him, he is so beautifully threaded and perfect. He is loved by so many and such a joy. I hope that I raise him to appreciate who he has come from. I love you son, with every once of my being, you were beautifully and perfectly woven in my womb and don't ever, ever let someone make you feel less! 

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