Wednesday, January 1, 2014

365 Days

 What was in the 365 days of 2013?
365 days of Marriage. 
 Some of those 365 days were filled with aggravation, some of those days were fill with angry or sadness. But all 365 of those days were filled with love for my husband, joy in my marriage, those days were filled with understanding that every second of everyday wouldnt always be marital bliss but that every night I laid beside him aggravated or not and that my heart would swell with happiness and pride that he is my husband. It was 365 days of learning, learning to trust, forgive, communicate, learning marriage and learning my husband. 
346 days in our home. 
346 days of remembering to pay this bill and that bill, 346 days of cleaning and learning how to maintain a home, decorate a home, and keep a happy home
346 days of sleeping in our bed in OUR home and learning what a blessing it is to  know a home.
94 days pregnant. I spent 94 days rubbing my belly, growing a baby, 
Feeling him move, I spent 94 days of last year becoming humbled by the greatest blessing God had ever trusted me with. 
365 days as a sister, daughter and daughterinlaw. 
I spent days learning how I fit in as a daughterinlaw and trying to become a loving/ selfless daughterinlaw , I spent days trying to become the sister I would be proud to have and I became a daughter that realized my parents are precious and I haven't spent nearly enough time with them for the past few years. 
271 days as a family. 
For 271 days I have had a love for Michael that I didn't realize I would ever have, if someone tried to explain the love I have for him now that he is the father of my child, I wouldn't have been able to understand. Every morning he gives me a kiss and I have yet to understand why I deserve his selfless and unconditional love. When we wrap our arms around WB together and declare a "family hug" the joy in our hearts and on his face gives me the best understand of family that I will ever come close to grasping. Michael and I get the joy of raising him and building a family not only for us but for him. We get to fill future years with traditions and special days just like we have gotten the blessing of doing this year. 
271 days as a mother. 
This has been the most wonderful days of any year ever, they have been perfect. I have spent those days holding and nurturing our sweet son, I have spent those days putting him to sleep or getting to watch his father put him to sleep. I have gotten to enjoy him and every second of everyday since he has been here, he is a part of my heart, a part of my soul, he is a little piece of me and a little piece of Michael. He is so smart and perfect, and fun to love, he is our purpose. 
365 days in reality. 
I don't live in a fantasy world 
, nor would I want anyone to think that, me and Michael fight and argue, we have had our feelings really hurt this year and I'm sure we have hurt some feelings, we have gone through times of feeling alone. We have had to make decisions that we didn't know the best answer to. We have hard days and good days, but I know in my heart at the end of everyday no matter the day, that I have spent 365 days of 2013 blessed. I have spent each day choosing to see the hard working, loving, amazing husband that I have, that I have spent each day in awe of my sweet baby boy and consumed by his love, I have spent everyday trying to see the good in things and while some days it was hard to not let others steal my joy, I have made it, 365 days with  a reason to smile, a reason to praise God and a reason to look forward to the next 365 days:) 

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