Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Our First Christmas Together.

Before this day is long ago and nothing but a distant memory I want WB to know exactly how special this day was. I would like to tell him that early this morning before the sun ever rose he laid so perfectly between me and his daddy, that he was wearing red pajamas and it seemed to make his fluffy little cheeks look a little rosier than usual. That when I went to put him in the car that his eyes seemed a little bluer today than yesterday and they had a sparkle that made me fall even more in love with his sweet little soul. I would like him to know that he couldn't stand himself when his Da wouldn't put the dish down and just hold him, I would tell him that me and all his aunts and uncles gave his Da tickets to the US open and that his Da cried with appreciation and joy. That I love how much he loves his Da and how he doesn't even know the wisdom he is yet to teach him. I would tell him how his daddy is so hard working and had to work on Christmas Day, but that he text me all day long wanting To see pictures of exactly what you were doing. That he told us he loved us and missed us. And how We missed him too. I want you to know I cried several times throughout the day because it just didn't seem fair for daddy to have to miss it. I want to tell you that we went to see your Great Great Grandma Croom. That she isn't doing well but was so excited to see you. I want to tell you I saw your aunt Mary Jane sneak on kiss on your pawpaws cheek and it made me admire Grandma Croom and the siblings she had raised. It made me think to the future and the siblings I hope to give you. I want you to know that I cried on the way home because I wish so badly that me and you both could know Grandma Johnson, I cried because I love that me and your daddy were able to bring you into so many grands and greats, uncles and aunts, that you know so much love and bring such joy. I cried because I simply feel so blessed to be your mama. I want you to know that when your daddy came home even though I was dissappinted by how little of time our family got to spend together with just us, that my heart skipped a beat because I love when your daddy is home for the night and we can be complete. I want you to know that today you were loved on by your Gigi, pawpaw, gamma, da, grandma Croom, your cousins and aunts and uncles but especially by your mama and daddy. I want you to know that not just today but everyday you have been ours I can't describe the joy you bring to our lives. That I cry as I write this because my heart hurts from the amount of love I have for you and your daddy. I love you so much, you have blessed my world my beautiful babe. Merry First Christmas. 

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